View Profile HibiscusKazeneko
Got video games? Me love you long time!

Age 34, Female

Enjo kosai

of hard knocks


Joined on 10/28/06

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I'm not for sure if you read these, but I'd actually like you to reply what you think
I've thought about suicide alot, starting in 6th grade up until now (high school). Reason I haven't though is because I'm so damn competitive that I HAVE to beat everyone at everything, until I'm at the top. Can't really die until I've done that. Thats how I see it anyways, your definatly in a worse boat then I am / was. Just do what you can to rub it in their faces with "Hey look, I'm better then you."

damn thats well damn i remmber when i was kiked out of scool and sent to prison for hacking in the school mainframe and changing grades i also helped some other people change theire grades too fot money

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Same to you, assfuck.

that sound like my english teacher last year. though we said pedophile since he loved all the girls. my friend didnt do hw 1 time and got detention and the same thing happened to a girl who did less hw he let the girl off

And the weird thing was that the teacher's actual name WAS Rapeface Harrasment..

No but seriously, to bad, hope you get into a good school

dont do it yourself. there are a lot of confused teens and young adults who commit terrorism acts and this will just be frosting on a cake for them. also if u want i reccomend finding where he lives and find out if he has a pet or anything else he loves more then anything else in the world. then eliminate it, for example desroy his computer, burn his house with a mixture of gasoline and styrophome which makes a cheap napalm. since it doesnt sound like you live in california i guess i cant help directly. another thing, people have secret lives if you know what i mean. stalk him to see if he has a gay lover and then take a picture of them in a comprimising position such as kissing or in very comprimising positions which i shall not say. those are a few ideas for you to get back at him. also go buy some leather gloves before you commit these acts of vendatta against him.

So I can get an unfair acquittal like OJ Simpson did?

wow, that's really harsh. And on a side note, suicide is never the answer. (though on special occasions homicide is, jkjk, but seriously tho...)

you guys are stupid

Could be worse, at least you didn't get raped!

Yeah the teachers and students in alot of schools are straight assholes...
What ever you do tho.. Don't go insane and kill them cause' we'd have christan parents blaming video games and good movies again...
Instead do what I always did beat the fuck out of your door.

People will find anything to pin the blame on when their kids take revenge.
My door is already beat up from repeated run-ins with overstuffed laundry baskets.

lol, Well that all sucks so fucking bad, But Revenge is never the answer, People are assholes to me at my school all the time, And I dont really have any friends there, So many of them are just immature idiots, And I love my life outside of school, And as Tempting as it may be, Going on a shooting rampage dosent really solve anything... I think that you should just be patient and when you are old enough and can support yourself, Move away, Far Away, From all of that shit.

I am sorry that has all happened to you, But just know that everything happens for a reason.

Take Care.

I've just recently been put out of school myself yet for different reasons. It sucks but the only thing you can do is not look like the bad guy and take shit from no one. People usually beileve in teachers more then students depending on the students past. Don't know what your like in school and what your grades are but if you want to get back to school badly, even if it's a different place, you'll get back in. Your also nineteen, this is your graduating year, you really should go back.

...and what the hell, your nineteen years old you don't have to go to any doctor and take any drug you don't want to. Your an adult now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be mean but...

You're absolutely right. I feel like Elisabeth Fritzl: desperate for help but can't get it because I'm too closely monitored.

sorry to here u got kicked out of school hope u find a new one dont kill Mr.Rapeface let him get cuaght in the act and let him get butt fucked in prison.

I wish it were that simple. Evidently he's been doing stuff like this for years.

i have another suggestion; you could always talk to a psychologist or counselor. that might help you feel better. i sympathize with your problem, i had a teacher that was always in it for me to. i got a 94% on a history test and was given a "B-". my friend got a 92 and was given an "A". was that fair? no, it wasn't. but sometimes life pitches you curve balls.

A 94 is an "A"; a 92 is an "A-." Either you didn't read the numbers right, or your teacher can't read, or your school system is batshit insane.

i agree with NERVdamage, your a legal adult, with adult rights.

Oh noes.

That does suck. I advise you kick the drugs though. they had me dosed up to the eyeballs on all sort of ADHD meds. Since then Life's been much better. Also, might I suggest going to cyber school? I don't know which state you're in, but mine has worked out great for me. If you're interested, check out 21st century cyber charter school. But i digress. I hope life takes a turn for the better. Happy times, and happy days.

Pretentiouse teenagers, think they have to blog everything about their lives to the world.

No its not a fucking movie reference.
Youre such an insulated little child you dont even believe fat mexicans with knives exist.

Already tried it; we don't have any knives sharp enough to break the skin.

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