Anyone ever heard of The Alfee? I've been listening to their music off and on since this past August, and I have come to a definitive conclusion: these guys are frickin' GOD TIER. How they could have fallen into obscurity outside of Japan is beyond me.
Just check this out and tell me whether or not you agree.
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I've been meaning to join their official fanclub, "Alfee Mania", but as far as I know they don't accept international applications. :(
P.S. Another reason I posted this now is because Masaru Sakurai, the bassist, just turned 55! (Hence my choice of smiley)
EDIT 1: I think I've found the reason why no one has heard of The Alfee stateside.
EDIT 2: The video I posted earlier was removed, so I replaced it with a different one. If you're curious as to what the original was, you can still see it here.
UPDATE: I just checked iTunes, and they have The Alfee's official podcast "My Cheerful Song" as well as Toshihiko Takamizawa's Rockban (which I just subscribed to). It's all in Japanese, of course...
UPDATE 2: My dad and I ordered the Type B limited edition version of The Alfee's new album "Shinsekai: Neo Universe" and it just arrived! I was puzzled by the size of the box it was shipped in; it turned out it's because the cover is the size of a friggin' LP! My mom freaked out when she saw it since our turntable is broken...
Here's a pic. I know it's a crappy shot; I took it with my webcam.
UPDATE 3 (URGENT): I was just listening to the CD and I noticed that a good portion of track 2 is "sampled" (i.e. plagiarized) from a certain classic rock song and I can't put my finger on its name/original artist! Can anyone help me? You can hear it here.
The reason I'm posting this is I know Toshihiko Takamizawa has done this before (see Edit 1 link) and as much as I admire him (yeah, think what you want :P ), I can't let him get away with it. Not after what happened with Timbaland.
(ETA): Props to Timmy for helping me find it: the song I had in mind was the Eagles' "Hotel California." It's not close enough to the original for me to make a case out of, though...
Anyway, I switched the link so you don't have to download it to hear it. I still have a gut feeling Takamiy ripped some other songs off, too, so if you find anything remotely close to a song you recognize, please tell me. Brian Farrelly's credibility may not be in the toilet, after all.
(Mini-update 2) Haven't I heard this somewhere before? An old Chevrolet commercial, perhaps? (Yeah, it was copied in Sonic Rush too.)
RANDOM UPDATE: Today (April 15 JST, still April 14 EDT) is acoustic guitarist Kounosuke Sakazaki's 56th birthday! Here's a (somewhat old) video of him doing solo stuff.
(edit 8/19: The video I posted was removed, so I replaced it with another one, this time involving Astroturf Digby.)
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</div>EDIT: Yay! It's Takamiy's birthday today (Japan time, right now)!
Here's something of his for y'all.
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Another update: Takamiy has a new solo album and single coming out this fall! Anyone else besides me want it? (edit: I preordered it; it should be here next week-ish)
EDIT 8/26/2010 5:23 PM CDT: It's here! I added one of the bonus wallpapers to my desktop.