View Profile HibiscusKazeneko
Got video games? Me love you long time!

Age 35, Female

Enjo kosai

of hard knocks


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I got kicked out of school.

Posted by HibiscusKazeneko - November 8th, 2008

I know it's a few days late, but here's the story...
It all started 2 years ago when I transferred into this podunk school for ADHD kids. I don't even have ADHD (not that it exists, anyway), so I was immediately cast out. Things overall went smoothly until last year, when I was placed in class with a certain teacher(the one whom I have highlighted as a potential rapist), who intimidated and ridiculed me in front of everyone and used the sneakiest of tactics to cover his tracks.
Now that was only the TIP of the iceberg...
This year, I was placed in Mr. Rapeface's class again, this time with only two other students, both of whom have been out to get me since they met me. We were working on a precalculus problem which I was having trouble with, so when it came time to review our answers and correct them, I turned up with some off-the-wall numbers. I tried to go back and fix my mistakes, but the two jackholes and Mr. Rapeface were yelling at the top of their lungs about the then-upcoming Student Senate elections. Then Mr. Rapeface saw my inability to focus and screamed, "Do you have the answer yet?" and when I tried to answer "No," he would leave me be for a bare sliver of a second and then burst in at the speed of light with the same pervasive answer. He nearly gave me a heart attack at least three or four times, and the other students were laughing their heads off! It was clear they were getting enjoyment at my expense, so I stormed out of the room and headed down to the principal's office, not knowing I was being followed. I tried to explain the situation to the administration, but they refused to believe me (by then Mr. Rapeface had finagled his way in and lied away) and I was expelled for dissent. I have repeatedly tried to take my life but my sissy Yggdrasill-esque mother stopped me, took me to a string of doctors and got me pumped up on drugs in an effort to get me to forget what happened.
And ironically, Poozy locked the school pet peeves thread the same day for absolutely no legitimate reason! I swear I will kill the people who conspired to have me thrown out of school, as well as Neo-Bigbadron here!


darn your day really sucked,hope you get in another school.

almost raped

Let people who are assholes, be assholes. Dont make a scene over it and they wont get their satisfaction. Be mellow if you have to. School only lasts so long, and its a very short part of your life. So no need to get worked up over it.

same thing happen to me a while back

Dang, Mr. Rapeface didn't happen to teach in Pennsylvania about 7-8 years ago did he? Sounds like a teach I had in high school who singled me out for torment on a daily basis. However, I only got suspended and failed the course. Now after a few years of milling around in the military I too am looking to follow the occupation of Mr. Rapeface. Although, I intend to do less raping (if any at all) and more teaching of the art persuasion; rather than calculus. Hopefully then I can befriend the Rapefaces of the world and take my revenge! Good luck & stay up.

Sorry, but no. He's only taught at this particular school.

School is a problem. I think that's all I need to say.

i understand your situation, i kind of went through the same thing.heres some ideas: you could slash the teachers tires and steal the hubcaps. or find his house and TP or paint ball it (or something a bit more permanent, whatever works) for the students i suggest a healthy dose of humiliation. of course you could always buy a handgun and go Columbine on them....

remember, REVENGE.... IS.... SWEET.

I've wanted to do that for years, but I'm under 21, and my parents refuse to supply me.

Half of your problem is your school...the other half is your attitude.

Even if you went to the worst school in the world...you can still come out on top.

These kids have it really bad...but they somehow make the best of it.
<a href="http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/episodes/back-to-school/introduction/268/">http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/epi sodes/back-to-school/introduction/268 /</a>

No matter the obstacle, you can cope and survive.
You've just gotta make the best of life...
Life isn't a romance in the movies...it's a dark and dangerous place...
But it's not about how tough you are...
It's about how much you can TAKE and keep moving FORWARD
Cause if you give up like those Goths or Emo kids...then your allowing life to beat you to the ground and keep you there...

But people growing up who have determination...who go through the worst of the worst...They all have just one thing...

<a href="http://jakbaronking.newgrounds.com/news/post/206732">http://jakbaronking.newgrounds.com/ne ws/post/206732</a>

Martin Luther King Jr.
Rocky (okay..he's not real but bear with me)
Albert Einstein

You can't give up on life....your still young and have your whole life ahead of you..

Each day is an opportunity to make life a little better.

And if it hits you to the ground...you gotta be like Rocky...you just gotta keep coming back up!
<a href="http://jakbaronking.newgrounds.com/news/post/207306">http://jakbaronking.newgrounds.com/ne ws/post/207306</a>

Like the Spartan 300...the Last stand...give it ALL you GOT.

But don't forget to rest and clear your mind...you've had a hard day and you need to recover...

Rest...and recover your energy.
let your mind and soul be at peace

Hawaiian Music
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIovxJK5rQo">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIovxJ K5rQo</a>

Catch the Wave
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IjlMeNMljI">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IjlMe NMljI</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs3zm7wIssk">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs3zm7 wIssk</a>

Over the rainbow
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr-alr7P_qk">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr-alr 7P_qk</a>

Starting all over again...
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoS792-LD-E">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoS792 -LD-E</a>

I believe some teachers go through a "power-trip" and love to pick on students.
Your mother might be over-reacting...but then again...you are 19 aren't you?
Did you nearly finish Senior year when you got kicked out? Bummer...

But no matter where you are in life...at least live it meaningfully
<a href="http://jakbaronking.newgrounds.com/news/post/205753">http://jakbaronking.newgrounds.com/ne ws/post/205753</a>

Take care...

I bet you were just acting up like a little twerp and got the boot. This is Newgrounds not your myspace.

GTFO. You and Marlin have been nothing but assholes to me.

JakBaronKing, not all Goths do that stuff. -_-

Listening to Heavy Metal to release my "inner demons" so I can put on a happy face & pretend they they don't get to me. Plus, Mind Games with all those against me (as well as quite a few relatives, had to with them though). -_-
Of course, now I'm still recovering from being a Rage-aholic beacuse of those family members but maybe some of those will help if you can get back into a school.

If nothing else, try to cheer up. (Just saying.)

absintheclock, stfu

Wow, that's just unfair!

I swear, teachers treat students like they're retards.

One of my classmates had some anger management problems, and he kicked a pregnant teacher in her stomach.
Her baby died.
He got kicked off school.

Good old days.
But seriously... I'll mark your words.

No comment...

i feel ur pain kinda but mostly alot

sorry to hear that

Just for the record Mr. Rapeface has to be the funnyest teacher name ever

It's not his real name.

You wanna be in a movie kid? ;)

Ill make you a staaar!

killing puts you in jail, make a big prank on the whole school

How the fuck do you get expelled for "dissent"?

If you get back in his class, I suggest you use an audio recorder very stealthily and then hand in the audio. If they cite that you shouldn't have recorded him without his consent, state that you had no choice, since your previous attempt to bring the situation to light was ignored and you were punished for telling the truth.

Woo for college!

Haha, yeah, no deep, mind-blowing wisdom here. Not even some of the crappy 10 cent kind I see below.

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