View Profile HibiscusKazeneko
Got video games? Me love you long time!

Age 35, Female

Enjo kosai

of hard knocks


Joined on 10/28/06

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Updates, updates, updates.

Posted by HibiscusKazeneko - February 21st, 2009

OK, so it's been what, 4 months since my last news post?!?
Man, I've lost track of time.

Anyway, I've got a lot to report on, so grab a snack and a cold beer from the fridge and sit back; I might be here a while:
~ By a scratch of a miracle, I got let back into school.
~ I got a copy of Shugo Chara! Amu no Niji-iro Chara Change for Nintendo DS and its accompanying CD single in the mail.
~ My aunt died of a stroke.
~ I went to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert.
~ AbsintheClock kicked me out of the Clock Crew for no apparent reason.
~ I got rid of Safari and replaced it with Google Chrome.
~ I got the DVD box set of Azumangs Daioh at Half-price Books.
~ Several other menial accomplishments I can't think of off the top of my head.
Oh yeah, I saw the entirety of the first series in the Shugo Chara! series, and I liked it.

I'm working on another Phoenix Wrong counterpart; it might be out in the next few months. (I'm gonna have to do a bit of sprite editing for this one.)

Catch you on the flip side!


EDIT (2/26/09): Chrome stopped working, and I had to replace it with Opera. No problems yet.


O rly?

Ya rly.

No spam allowed. This is your ONLY warning.

Sounds like fun...you obviously had some...times...i guess...

So how is getting back into school working for you?

It's good to hear that you are back in school. I hope that you graduate soon.

My response to your newspost.

Ive kept a record of staying in school,
I have no idea what those games for the DS are,
My grandmother and grandfather died of heart attack and grandfather cancer,
I went to the Projekt Revolution concert,
I decide to stay away from clocks, glocks, Kitty krew, or faggot federation,
Google chrome and safari? wut?
Azumango Daioh...? Dvd...? Share...? D':...?
Ive eaten 42 skittles within 12 seconds.

My Counter-newspost beats yours! :DD

And also, Dubs fucking suck. D:<

When done improperly, yes.
ADV Films in my experience have a record of staying close to the original Japanese script, and they even included the original Japanese audio with English subtitles on the discs, sparing the need for BitTorrent.

nice Phoenix Wrong