View Profile HibiscusKazeneko
Got video games? Me love you long time!

Age 35, Female

Enjo kosai

of hard knocks


Joined on 10/28/06

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Finally graduated.

Posted by HibiscusKazeneko - June 8th, 2009

As I may or may not have mentioned in the forums, I graduated from high school (finally!) on Wednesday and have done nothing but eat and party the past few days. My biggest graduation present, a brand-new MacBook, arrived this morning and I'm posting from it right now.

Meanwhile, in other news, since I've got lots of spare time, I dusted off an old Flash project and it should be released this summer. No estimates; I don't know if something will come up or not. I REALLY want to go to Los Angeles for the Morning Musume event at Anime Expo this year, but it has yet to be determined whether or not my parents will let me go. They're making me perform odd jobs for less-than-minimum-wage pay, so if I can't go to LA, I can at least have money saved up for when AnimeFest rolls around this year. (I missed A-Kon for the second year in a row due to the class trip; plus all the guests chickened out due to the swine flu scare.)

Catch you on the flip side!

~ Hibiscus


hello there i'm doondeka...wanna be frinds?
and congrats too your graduation

congrats i did the same one month ago best decision I've ever made
good luck in the future


Congrats, Class of 2009 WHOOO!

Well, congrats matey

Yes I also graduated

but this is just the beginning

check out my latest post

Congratulation!!! Hell on earth?... entonces estas en mexico?

No, but pretty damn close.

... con-grats and just be careful wat u receive from japan and china.

Yeah, I'm kinda regretful of the decision to get this laptop. Apple has a reputation for knowingly putting toxic chemicals in their products.



Congratulations have fun out in the real world:D
Unless you go to college... then just have fun.

Congratulations! Any plans for post-secondary education?

hello you are from the internet i am from the internet lets move in together and get a dog


Congratulations. I was Class of 2008. College is so much better than high school.

i wish best of luck and fun for the life in the real worl unless u go to colege but even so its already as litle diffrent anyways anythin can be fun if u make it so

I get an erection every time I look at your profile picture.

Nice to know.

Im actually happy that you graduated.
Im happy you got over all of the horrible people and suicidal tension.
Im really happy for you. Honestly, I wish I was in your position, but I still got high school to deal with.
Im glad.

can I touch your breast?

oh and I will graduate from highshool at 17 :)

.... ya really

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