I just recently discovered that in Safari (for Mac OS X Leopard), you can oscillate between text encodings, and considering the problem I and other users have had regarding Newgrounds' limited interface for Unicode characters (which I suspect Wade may have requested >:C), it may be worth my while to do this.
Now, here we go:
A heart, a spade, a club, a diamond and an umbrella
A simple Japanese sentence
%u79C1%u306F%u732B%u304C%u597D%u304D%u 3067%u3059%u3002
Now I'll post this and toggle Unicode and see what happens...
EDIT: DAMMIT! It didn't work!
And this all started because of a handful of trolls...
Newgrounds doesn't support Japanese text, no matter how you try to input it. I've been trying for years.
u30B3%u30FC%u30C9%u3092%u4F5C%u308B%u 3079%u304D%u3060%u308D%u3046%u3002
See? Nothin'.