I finished driver's ed yesterday, and I just need plenty of practice until I get my license.
And I start school tomorrow, so I probably won't be online much. I've got a big production in the works, and am taking voice actor applications. Please apply via PM; I'll get back to you when my schedule is clear.
Here are the roles and some sample lines:
Seto Kaiba (adolescent male, smooth, medium pitch)
- "Whoa there, what is this about packing up a tattered face?"
- "Oh, I'm just here to do two things: chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And guess what? I'm fresh outta gum!"
- "Big.... fucking.... DEAL!"
Mokuba Kaiba (pre-adolescent male, smooth, energetic)
- "Uh, he's... not... available right now. Can this wait till Monday?"
- "Someone called and said there's been a break-in over at HQ! He said you should go look at it because- *cuts off*"
More roles to be added at a later date.