This is an official suicide note. Before you start bawling and yelling "Please don't go! I need you!!", think about this:
I am the scum of the Earth. I was born low on the socioeconomic food chain and it shows. My parents and their ancestors before them hail from an area of the country that is famous for its abysmally low social standing. On top of this, they waited nine years to have me, which has led to more than just ridicule by family members (many of whom are now deceased, by the way). I live in an area that is reviled as being "the ghetto." I go to a school that is little more than a half-way house. I was held back in my academics for two years because of "inability to behave." I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at age 14 and have been treated like it was my fault ever since. I stupidly sullied my body and therefore my soul at age 15 by not saving my first kiss for my wedding day. One of my friends died because of my inability to pray for his recovery. I consented to having my wisdom teeth removed despite my own moral objections. (I believe it's tantamount to mandatory infant circumcision.) I have been repeatedly denied opportunities to boost myself to a position higher on the social food chain under the guise that it would "ruin the status quo," despite the fact that if I had gone through with the decisions, everyone would be much better off than they are now.
To help myself save face, I have been forced to get my ears pierced (despite moral objections AGAIN), attack people to their faces for not showing characteristics of acceptability (and watch as other people do the same to me and not get punished while I get everything from beatings to ISS), and the worst of all: turn my life around and become a PETA activist and vegan. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, since my whiny-ass hyperconservative parents refuse to sell their leather-seated cars, buy a whole new wardrobe free of animal products, discard all animal products in the refrigerator and stock up on humane foods (and they rationalize it using outdated health studies and obsolete Bible verses) or the most important of all: boycott or send bomb threats to companies known for animal cruelty. I have told them that if we all don't jump on the bandwagon, I'll have to kill them; but they just write me off as insane and suppress my attempts to do good.
But now is the long-overdue time to end this suffering and kill myself. Everybody around me whines and says it's just a "permanent solution to a temporary problem," but as I have stated earlier, that is not the case. I am forced to bear the scars left by my own and my parents' poor decisions, and no amount of consolation, be it material or spiritual, will erase them. I am at the absolute low. Not even God can save me. I am doomed to burn in Hell no matter what I do or say. It is true that Jesus died on the cross for our sins; but even He could not atone for what I have been through. It is my responsibility to end the suffering of myself and others around me. Nobody who knows me truly cares about me; those who say they do do not know what kind of scourge they are dealing with, and for their own sakes, never will.
Newgrounds, you never knew me and I am glad you didn't.
Goodbye. You will never see anything from me again.
EDIT: It didn't work out, and I'm still here, for now. Comments enabled.
i read a few words then thought skip to the end to c u were lying the whole time, see ya
I was honestly going to do it, but my asshat mother stopped me.